News & Publications

Understanding ‘For-Cause Removal’ Provisions In Real Estate Joint Ventures

Perhaps the most visceral concept in real estate joint venture (REJV) sponsorship is to contemplate 'for cause removal' – the guillotine of REJVs. These provisions, embedded in a joint venture operating agreement, warrant your team's focused attention, as they can significantly impact the control and success of the venture. A thorough understanding of these provisions is crucial, as they set the framework for actions when issues arise. 'Bad Acts' as Grounds for Removal REJVs are [...]

Who Owns That Unused Street? A Roadmap To Virginia’s Layered Legal Approach

Most people do not think twice about the quiet, unused, streets that hide within our neighborhoods, cities, and towns. These streets are easy to overlook, until a disrupting event—such as new property development, utility work, or a dispute between landowners—raises the question: who actually owns these forgotten streets? The ownership of unused streets can be a complex issue, that can generate legal disputes over who has the right to access, use, or claim title to [...]

Trust Fund Diversion Claims Require Clear Evidence Of Unauthorized Expenditures

In a recent decision, a New York appellate court reversed a trial court ruling that had granted summary judgment in favor of the plaintiff in a dispute over alleged diversion of trust funds under Article 3-A of the New York Lien Law. The case, 1 Park East Construction Corp. v. Uliano, underscores the evidentiary burden required for a plaintiff to establish a case of trust fund diversion for summary judgment. The underlying dispute arose from a [...]